Τρίτη 1 Δεκεμβρίου 2020

Η Κίνα από τους πολέμους του οπίου ως τον ιδιόμορφο δρόμο της προς τον Σοσιαλισμό-China’s Long Path to Socialism: From Opium Wars to Trade Wars:

This is class 1 of a 5-part series. As the outrageous demonization campaign against China continues to grow amidst this crisis, the Party for Socialism and Liberation, in partnership with the Qiao Collective, is putting forth a five-part class series on China. The course will examine the construction of modern-day China in the context of global imperialism, starting from the very first Opium war between China and Britain in the early 1800s. Imperial China, one of the most advanced civilizations of the world, quickly became a country looted and torn apart by many imperialist nations who wanted a piece of the pie. The course will examine China’s century-long national liberation struggle and the construction of socialism. The purpose of the class is to provide the necessary context for understanding modern China today, especially under the weight of U.S. imperialism.

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